At least I made an effort to come here to ramble on about something meaningless.


It's a miracle how some people actually remember this blog, cause it got washed off my mind for a certain period of time.

Distractions, distractions.

... How's life people, I dare ask.

Anyways, Jun Yuan Secondary is unfortunately, haunted.

Naw, at least I don't stay overnight at that freaking retarded place.

Okay, I did. During the miserable camp.

Don't blame me for writing this. I certainly did mention that I am going to ramble about something meaningless.

Olympics ended about an hour again. Sad isn't it?

I mean, I can't watch the people do things I love to do. Okay, not everything. I'm not really into basketball or soccer or rythmic gymnastics.
But I sure am into the Track, swimming, canoeing and stuff...

Well, off to Youtube to watch meaningless videos.

I'm rather unhappy that it's a Sunday... Have to go to school tomorrow... At least there's P.E. for me to look forward to.

Hisses and snarls,
Hong Leng =.=

Just realized something. Since I'm not the admin for this blog (I mysteriously lost the email), I can't update the darn links.

So could our admins help?

Thanks soooooo much.

Now bye before I turn into a gushing freak. A gushing freak who wants a pair of wings like Max. Coooooooooooooooooooooool.


Four words: Contact List


Can a bright genius or whatever (erm, whoever) figure out how we're gonna obtain everyone's emails/phone numbers/other misc. personal info?

Side-tracking for a bit here.... WHO HAS ARTEMIS FOWL AND THE TIME PARADOX? WHO WANTS TO READ BRISINGR (i.e. third book of the Inheritance trilogy, in which the first book was made into a horrible movie that I can't believe I still watched... ItoldyabookmoviesarehorribleohwaitIdidn'twhoops)?

Uh huh.

So that's it.

Any suggestions, comments, feedback? Email Ember/Rolling at . Or you could just exert the strength in your hand and wrists and fingers (Iusedthisbeforedidn'tI) and tag at the tagboard. DUH.

Have a great weekend.

Head to the libby.

Read Maximum Ride.

Waiting for the fight to start already,

Hi 6/9-nians!

How was National Day?

Anyone off for a holiday?

Anyone watching the Olympics?

Anyone who laughed like crazy over Calefare/First Class?

Anyone planning to set more fireworks?

Okay, the last one was random, but whatev.

Raise your hands if you thought that the fireworks looked more like a mass of explosions than separate blasts of pretty lights.

I don't have anything else to say, by the way.

It's August already, so I'm praying everyone is settled down... and used to school life by now (like real).

Whatever you do, don't become sucidal. Because Secondary school life has just begun!!! Bwahahaha!
