This is why The Straits Times wins SO much. Their weekly movie reviews includes the Twatlight "saga": New Moon, giving it a beautiful rating of...

1.5 stars out of 5.

I'm typing the review out here, because I'm likely to make my scanner esplode just by putting the newspaper on the surface. *twitches at painfully obvious error in the article*
This film is like a mopey, suburban pre-teen girl's diary come to life but somehow, it even manages to be less fun than that description would suggest.

Bella (Stewart) wanders alone and misunderstood and instead of writing her off as yet another slouchy kid who thinks the world revolves around her feelings, everyone is fascinated by her.
Perhaps the film, or the bestselling book by Stephenie Meyer it is based on, should best be understood as satire.

How else does can anyone come to terms with its premises?

When she is heartbroken by Edward's (Robert Pattinson) departure, she sits in an armchair, profound and picturesque while the seasons outside her window helpfully turn as cold as her cold, cold heart. The sequence crystallises the Evanescence music-video-gone-wrong mood of the entire movie.

Her armchair pose is as elegant as it is evocative and presumably she does not need to eat or use the toilet and thus break the spell she has cast over her father Charlie (Billy Burke).
He is a dream dad, because he just hovers and offers crinkly smiles and unconditional emotional support and never tells her to get over it, and do her homework and stop moping, the way tiresome real parents do.

She is not sulking. She hurts.

Bella's character has been kept generically bland, most likely in a deliberate attempt to keep her audience appeal broad.

It unfortunately makes her the opposite of what the fans of the books and films must actually be like. She is never sullenly glued to her mobile phone nor does she update her Facebook page every 10 seconds to breathlessly relate what cool sparkly skinned boyfriend said yesterday.
Despite being stunningly boring and vapid as someone with no interest in anything except her own insecurities and her boyfriend, Edward's cool vampire family adore her.

In the scene where his family throw her a birthday party, they appear to dumb themselves down to talk to Bella, and Edward seems not so much a boyfriend but a parent coaxing an unwilling child to play the piano in front of guests, who probably wish the weird gloomy kid would leave so they can use big words again.

Jacob (Lautner) who plays the new shirtless love interest is similarly fascinated by her, probably because werewolves are a bit like Woody Allen in that they have a thing for women who think they are complicated.

Poor Jacob tries to become Bella's lover but unfortunately, falls into her dreaded "friend zone". He is the hapless guy who has to listen to her complain about her jerk of a boyfriend, but who is always cast off whenever the jerk shows up.

The interaction that occurs between Bella and Edward is perhaps the best advertisement for single-sex schools that ever existed.

They sit together in class and stare like moon-eyed simpletons at each other and then later, lie down in flowery fields to morosely examine each other's faces some more.

It is clear that she thinks their love is epic but to everyone else, they just look a bit goon-faced.
I don't know whether he's criticising the books or the movie, because everything he says IS SO TRUE GAWD.

I feel sorry for him though. Tons of rabid fangirls will pounce upon him for daring to speak out about "The Bestest Book in da Universe"!

Yes, I am anti-Twatlight. It sets a bad example for impressionable teenages. Eddiekins is an abusive, controlling boyfriend, and Bella acts exactly like a girlfriend of an abusive boyfriend. In other words, she goes back for more.

Obviously, it's perfectly fine to put yourself in constant danger (jumping off a cliff, almost getting raped etc.) because ur twu luv left u!!!

Fans of Twatlight, please, let's have a civil discussion about the books. You are entitled to your opinions, meanwhile I have my own.

Come to the dark side, people. We have logic (and very delicious cookies). People on the forums can write better essays than that woman.